• Equip youths with the skills & knowledge required in the 21st century to enable them to succeed and contribute effectively to society
  • Ensure competence of workforce, drive economic growth: improve standard of living of citizens
  • Standardized tests and examinations are a yardstick to measure talent and identify talented individuals.
  • Impart values needed for functioning of society, e.g. resilience, integrity, leadership etc.
  • Inculcate beliefs espoused by Good Heart Value and Golden Rule for building society
  • Holistic development of youths: character & leadership development, exposure to arts & sports, social skills & norms and cognitive development
  • Empowerment: education provides less marginalized/less privileged members of society with means to break out of poverty cycle/make their contribution to the society and world.
  • Develop character and leadership based on the Value of Good Heart and the Golden Rule on relating to fellow mankind and serving them.


HIISES uses a system of objective examinations for academic grades. Academic grades are an objective measurement of a student’s effort & ability: used as a yardstick for meritocracy. Various streaming systems and big examinations (e.g. PSLE, O levels, A levels) are used to identify & groom bright young students for positions of leadership.

INTERACTIVE: Improves interpersonal skills

Leaders International Schools teach students to interact with each other; education that facilitates civic involvement. It uses also interactive technology so students are very abreast with the use of the latest technology to use computers, smart gadgets to do research and interact with other students and compete globally.

General aim of this education system is to produce good citizens and human solidarity. Primary aim is socializing- teaching students how to interact successfully and productively with others humanely and using technology. Sports, Extracurricular activities, hobbies, clubs all work towards great interactiveness. It inculcates a form of self-regulation of behavior necessary to participation in forms of society and in cultivating positive relationships with others.

Our students learn how to develop cooperative relationships and understand the perspectives of others, hence enhancing social intelligence. Education builds a set of skills essential for life success and contribution to society. They are taught to be leaders in their areas of interest and natural talent.

Inculcate Good Values

Education in this case is not only a means of broadening the worldview of individuals, but instead a means to be part of society where the student realises the they are a part of a whole called human beings and that to deal most effectively is to have two values leading them: The Value of Good Heart cannot be overemphasised as it gives direction on anything they do. They should always do things to other human beings following the best good for them by being good hearted people. The second tenet and value is the famously called Golden Rule which says ‘Do Unto Others as You Would Like Them To Do Unto You’ as taught by The Lord Jesus Christ. The School is not a religious organization but strongly leans on the good principles such as Love for God and Love for your Fellow Mankind as taught by Christ.

Social Mobility

Education is seen as a passport to upward social mobility in in many countries. In view of the importance attached to examination results as ‘passports’ to employment or stepping stones to the high quality of life, the system of education today is largely examination dominated. The highly competitive atmosphere and value placed on meritocracy make examinations the central concerns of both the pupils and the schools.


Highly Intense

Despite its numerous critics, there can be no doubt that this education system is among the best in the world. Countries that use it receive accolades as leading the world; Singapore being one of them. In a recent PISA test, Singaporean students ranked 2nd in math, 5th in reading, 4th in science globally. Since the release of the TIMSS results, many developed countries like the United States and UK have considered emulating this intense curriculum and educational practices.

Leaders students are also intensely taught to be exam-smart. They are prepared thoroughly for examinations by constant practice, review of past-examination papers, and so on. Route learning, understanding and memorization is emphasized as well as conceptual learning and teaching. HIISES will enable stellar performance in numerous global tests and a string of straight-A students in major public examinations. Leaders HIISES addresses the growing global concern that students are unable to think critically and creatively, so much so that it increased emphasis is placed on developing thinking skills and creativity of right brain functions.


HIISES addresses the concern that today’s education does not adequately prepare students for real life as too much emphasis is placed on route-learning and memorization of facts and details. As a result, HIISES emphasises essential skills like critical thinking, communication and interpersonal skills that were left behind in a strictly high intense that emphasises sheer memorization. Leaders HIISES believes that since in the 21st century, information is increasingly at the tip of our fingertips, it is more important to teach students how to synthesize and analyze information rather than simply to regurgitate spoon-fed information that can be found online.

However, memorization and understanding with analytical thinking are not mutually exclusive. HIISES believes that understanding enables memorization, it therefore teaches memorization with understanding, with emphasis on application that solidifies understanding and innovation of any field or skill.

Counselling and Nurturing

Leaders HIISES recognises that big stakes examinations like PSLE, IGCSE etc determine each child’s future with no second chances. As a result, students can be crippled by their overwhelming fear of failure, and do not dare to take risks. HIISES instead cultivates creativity, innovation and boldness; as an education system that not only encourages students to stick to the tried and tested, it also encourages risk-taking and non-conformity. It provides a lot of counselling, mentoring and career guidance and keeps close tabs on students’ progress in order to quickly notice any struggles on the learner and address them through the department of educational services, career counselling and mentoring. This works to somewhat thus reduces the apparent risk in challenging boundaries It creates impetus to break out of the mold and challenge the process and push boundaries. It simply develops bold and daring scholars who inevitably become leaders

‘One Right Answer’

Leaders HIISES twin system of left and side brains addresses the criticism of the purely high intense left brain system that it discourages unconventionality, has no room/tolerance for creativity or innovation; Students are ‘force-fed’ the ‘correct answer’ and any deviation from this pre-conceived model answer is immediately deemed incorrect; meaning no critical thinking is involved. HIISES addresses these with its Twin strategy of Left and Right Sides of the Brain.

Extremely Competitive Critique

On top of being extremely stressful, the competitive environment also discourages collaboration and cultivates a ‘win-at-all-costs’ mentality that stays with them throughout their lives. Students focus only on results, forsake values and relationships in pursuit of academic success. Education has only succeeded in creating a culture of preservation, selfishness and moral relativism. The pressure of examinations is especially evident at three points on the educational continuum, namely PSLE, O levels, and A levels. With the introduction of a system of ‘channeling’ students into different educational programmes at the Primary and secondary levels, the pressure to do well in examinations has increased drastically to both pupils and parents. For those who can afford it, extra tuition by private tutors has become the norm. In recent years, private tuition has assumed, in the eyes of anxious parents, such significance that it practically forms a subsystem of education which many would not wish to be without. HIISES stands to develop a well rounded student without denying the reality of passing examinations as a way to success; a student who sees possibilities, who does not see impossibles but innovates to pass all obstacles.

Neglects Character Development Critique

In order to catch up with the rat race and not fall behind, many education systems have neglected moral education and channeled both their energy and resources into formal academic education. Critique is it breeds generation of intelligent yet amoral people who are dangerous and detrimental to society’s progress, leads to moral relativism and degeneration of value systems. Students are judged not by their character or morals but by their academic diplomas. Without morals to set boundaries & limits as to how to behave, the knowledge amassed through education can be used to achieve avaricious, selfish desires & personal gains at the expense of others.

HIISES therefore increasingly puts emphasis on extracurricular activities and the introduction of a new subject called “Education for living”, based on the inculcation of loyalty, filial piety, kindness, courtesy and other virtues traditionally associated with the East, and incorporates respect for law and order, truth, group consciousness, love for nature and other Western values. It aims to teach pupils the significance of nation-building so that they will become discerning, responsible and law-abiding citizens, to inculcate in students moral values and cultures of both the East and the West, and help pupils understand the interconnected relationships in society so that they will be able to contribute to the building of a harmonious, multiethnic and multicultural nation.

Changing World In The 21st Century

HIISES recognizes that thanks to the Internet, there is a wealth of information online at the tip of one’s fingertips- no longer necessary to memorize information. Skills relevant to the modern society: ability to discern fact from fiction, relevant from irrelevant, sieve through the immense amount of information available, ability to think creatively & critically, analyze, interpret information are critically needed. This fast-changing world demands people able to apply existing knowledge to new situations, adjust & adapt. Bold ventures reap the biggest rewards today & drive society forward, hence initiative, resourcefulness, creativity, innovation and courage to take risks is greatly prized. HIISES develops this skill set with its Twin system of Left and Right side brains.

Evolution of the Education System

The world has begun to recognize the need for compassion and charity, and broadening the scope of education to encompass arts, sports, character & leadership development, and social & interpersonal skills. HIISES promotes opportunities to be given to students for experiential learning. HIISES system also has more project-based courses making the education more holistic. Specific skills aimed at developing artistic & sporting talents are an emphasis of HIISES. It also places emphasis on extra-curricular activities that train interpersonal skills, character & leadership development.

HIISES emphasizes good teacher welfare as a prerequisite to good results from students. Leaders therefore makes all effort to recruit excellent teachers with good traits to mentor the students on their journey of education.

HIISES has a developmental aspect for the teachers as well to avoid seeing teaching as a dead end career with no developmental prospects. Under HIISES, teachers can pursue three separate career ladders, which help them become curriculum specialists, mentors for other teachers or school seniors and principals. These opportunities bring recognition, extra compensation and new challenges that keep teaching exciting and allow teachers to share the vision to develop both sides of the brain in education of students to not only have understanding plus memorization but more creativity with the addition of more art classes, outdoor outing and clubs.

LEADER’S HIISES Education System is designed as a flexible ever adapting and ever innovating education system (kaizen) that by deliberate design keeps it balanced and at forefront of best ways to educate in accordance to the times we live in. This enables it to continuously graduate leaders in diverse fields due to strong education foundation.

Unleashing Tomorrow’s Top Leaders !!!